
Workstations describe the areas where library preparation is completed.

Workstations List

To get to the Workstations list page, click to expand the Configuration menu within the main navigation menu, then click the "Workstations" link within. Clicking on a workstation's alias will take you to the Edit Workstation pace, where you can see more workstation details as well as the linked instruments and libraries with the workstation. MISO administrators can create, edit, and delete workstations using the standard interface described in the Type Data section.

Edit Workstation Page

The Edit Workstation page shows details about the workstation and the instruments and libraries linked to it. Instruments and libraries are linked to workstations by directly editing those items. To get to the Edit Workstation page, click the workstation name on the Workstations list page. You can edit the workstation's details by changing them on this page and then clicking the "Save" button to confirm. Only MISO administrators can edit workstations.